Barcelona, a photo a day

The violinist

Sitges, last sunday, on the seafront. We spotted this excellent violinist playing to 2-3 people, on his fancy electric violin. Hope he got some rewards for his music!

And don’t forget: The man that hath no music in himself, Nor is not moved with concord of sweet sounds, is fit for treasons, stratagems and spoils.
William Shakespeare

Map picture

11 responses

  1. I play violin, too, but my violin is just a “plain” one. His blue violin is cool!
    By the way, Rob, can you balance a soccer ball on your nose like the soccer dude on your header photo??!


    April 15, 2010 at 4:19 am

  2. This reminds «Louis» of the musicians in the Métro in Paris.


    April 14, 2010 at 1:36 pm

  3. Blue and music, indeed food for a soul.

    Wishing you all the very best for this Wednesday.

    daily athens


    April 14, 2010 at 11:17 am

  4. this a nice shot and a very colorful violin he has. ^0^


    April 14, 2010 at 11:05 am

  5. How beautiful and vibrant, a slice of life presented to us.


    April 14, 2010 at 5:30 am

  6. Great shot, well captured.


    April 13, 2010 at 9:05 pm

  7. Really a magnificent shot: bravo!


    April 13, 2010 at 7:27 pm

  8. Jilly, it is the real color of the violin.


    April 13, 2010 at 6:54 pm

  9. Nice shot. Looks like a beautiful to play.


    April 13, 2010 at 6:39 pm

  10. What a fabulous shot. and he's so beautifully dressed and love the colour of that violin. Is it really blue or perhaps the light?

    Good ol' Will – great quote.


    April 13, 2010 at 5:19 pm

  11. I'd love to hear his music playing!
    God bless you!


    April 13, 2010 at 5:03 pm