Barcelona, a photo a day

Entree interdite! Entrance forbidden!

During our recent short trip to France, north Catalunya, we came across this  feisty guardian. No, I don’t know you, you can’t enter.
In the UK and, I suppose, in the USA, the usual sign says ‘beware of the dog’. In France, they say ‘attention, chien mechant’ beware, nasty, vicious dog’. Are french dogs therefore nastier and more vicious than others???

7 responses

  1. attention: vicious licking may ensue!


    August 9, 2012 at 8:55 pm

  2. I don't know, he looks pretty ferocious to me!


    August 9, 2012 at 6:59 pm

  3. Oh that's too funny you two, there is now way that little cutie pie can be scary, just look at those big floppy ears..


    August 9, 2012 at 3:51 pm

  4. …and he looks such a softie!


    August 9, 2012 at 2:35 pm

  5. o small dogs can be especially viscious.


    August 9, 2012 at 7:01 am

  6. Une vraie terreur !


    August 9, 2012 at 5:39 am

  7. He doesn't look particularly vicious, does he?


    August 9, 2012 at 2:56 am