Barcelona, a photo a day




Yet another one of Alice’s masterworks! One of the many things I miss from Barcelona…
Didn’t I tell you? I’m not there anymore…

Nobody loves me!


Well, his mother probably does. But in Catalunya, not much love is lost on Mr Rajoy, the spanish prime minister (or El Presidente), third on this picture. The third on the right, that is. Right, that he likes anyway, being on the right side.

I love closed shops!

Well, for one, it saves me lots of monay… And also, they so often have very groovy curtains, like this one. Excellent job!

Alice, the grafitti girl

I saw many of these ‘grafitti’ (but can this still be called grafitti) around town over the years. Many of them are signed Alice. Alice my friend, whoever you are, you’re good!

If you feel like dancing…

After Dancing with the wolves, dancing with the sardines? Mr Costner, if you’re watching this, here’s an idea…


I have seen lots of these stencils in town, never twice the same. Who’s the artist? I don’t know. But whoever it is, you are GOOD!


We have seen this… thing on several places in town. Well, it’s imaginative, but creepy. Anyone knows what it means? If it means something, obviously.

The lady from the Pi church

Quite a wonderful graffiti, found near Our Lady of Pi church


One of many graffiti around these days. They seem to multiply, just before the great Europe-wide strike next Wednesday.
This one says: danger,  politicians and bankers are ruining your future. 
This blog is 3 1/2 years old today.

Letting your hair down

Should you feel the need to do so, this seems to be a good place for it.
It’s a hairdresser, by the way.

Ratted out!

Yet another fun graffiti found in the old town!

A window to…

The weather is so nice at the moment, that I would love spending my days just looking out of the window and watch the world go by… My employer says: no.

On a darker note… There are some huge forest fires in the north of Catalunya, right on the french border, thousands of hectares of woods and bushes burning. Our thoughts go to the 4 dead and the many injured and evacuated. We start actually smelling the smoke from here, 100 km away, brought by the very strong winds in the area.

Our world on Tuesday, the good and the bad.

C’est ca aussi, la France! Zis is France, mes amis!

Not enough windows where you live? No problem: paint your own. It might lead to something nice!

Accidental chinese hipsters

…to be found at the back of the Boqueria market.

We just passed the 500 followers mark. Welcome to all of you!


Neighbor’s bike.

Urban hedgehog

Some graffitis are just friendlier than others.

Foxy post for our 2nd blogaversary!

Yet another beastie roaming our streets in full daylight, the Foxy Van! Art assault, vandalism, made on purpose… Who knows?

Other beasties and stuff roaming our fair Worlds on Tuesday, right here.

Oops, I almost forgot… This post also celebrates this blog here. I started it on May 10th, 2009. A work of love! This is the 722nd post, I missed a few days at the end of June, early July last year, being hospitalized for a week.
722 posts, many more photos (yeah, I know, the one photo a day rule…). And we made so many friends! We even met some of you, and realized, you’re really very nice people!!! More to come, from Greece this time…

Some numbers…
424, the number of followers so far
???, the number of visitors (who cares), from pretty much every country on Earth, including Vatican City (who might it be?)
8150, number of comments as I write this

But, the most important number is…


Year 3!

And the most important name is….


Couldn’t have done it without you, your love, your patience.

Weekend Reflections

Weird graffiti reflected in the windows of one of the Raval’s popular student cafes.

This is for James’s meme, Weekend Reflections. Please click here to see more photos of the participants.

Me gusta…chaos

Came across this unusual graffiti on an old wooden door in the old town. Me gusta… chaos means: I love chaos. What a statement.

Theme day: graffiti

It’s theme day again, and it’s all about graffiti this time. Here is a nice one in my street.
Click here to view thumbnails for all participants

The painted house

I have to confess I don’t know anything about this building on Carrer Floridablanca, except that it seems to be an alternative place of some kind. But it really is one of a kind!

Map picture

A bit later… I just learned that this building is a squat. Molts gracies, Fabien!

Diversity 2

One more example of cultural diversity in the Raval: Ganesha, El Che Guevara, a cheese nibbling mouse and some marijuana.


2 very different types of graffiti, found 2 streets apart. The first one is someone’s artistic expression, and he or she is really good.

The second one… Well, it does what it says on the box, I suppose. And this is one of the things I really like here: how to make a dull grey shutter look alive!


Found this in Gracia a few weeks ago, and it definitely is one of the nicer graffitis I’ve seen lately.

Under the bridge

We went to Sitges a couple of weeks ago, on the first warm sunday of the year. On the way back, by train, I had the silly idea of taking a photo every 10-20 seconds during the 30 minutes it took us to reach Barcelona. Silly, but actually with quite surprising results, some of them really good.

So, there is this bridge. We don’t have many bridges here, only 2 rivers, the Besos and the Llobregat, north and south of town.

San Francisco’s very own Louis la Vache has a bridge meme going on, every sunday. This is therefore our very first entry to this meme. I just had a look at this week’s entries, and they are really good. Have a look for yourselves!

This lion wont sleep tonight!

Having his nails and his hair done… This lion is getting ready for a night out!


Map picture

Barrilonia, house of the rebels

Barrilonia, the house of rebelling people, is a very colourful house on the Rambla del Raval, near Botero’s Cat.
The name Barrilonia is a contraption of barrio, neighborhood area, and, of course, Babilonia, Babylon.
The house itself is a kind of political art and workshop center (here is their website, for those interested, in Catalan). It seems to be very cosmopolitan.
Several interesting graffitis on the house front, particularly this one.

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More love

Not a very sharp photo, as it was taken out of a speeding train, but I love it. Mas amor, more love. Maybe a good cure for so many things.
And the cat is cool!

Due to some health problems, I’ve had to slow down on many things. Which means that I’m not able to visit your blogs as often as I’d like to. Will be back asap.


Graffiti seen inside an empty shop.

Asterix and Obelix in Catalunya

October 29th, 1959… That day, for the very first time, was published a comic which would become famous around the world, as it has been published in 107 languages: Asterix and Obelix.
The went pretty much everywhere: America, Rome, Egypt, England, Belgium, Spain…
Even to Catalunya, the proof being this picture! Yep, another shutter, another closed shop!

Other birthdays today: Winona Ryder, 38, Richard Dreyfuss, 62, the Internet, 40. 40 years since Charley Kline sent some data from the University of California to the University of Stanford, an L and a O, on a Honeywell computer.
Happy birthday! Have some cake!

Open? Closed?

This is a bar in Mataró. But is it open, or is it closed? You decide! Looks welcoming.

Horse with no name

It’s graffiti day, folks!
This is a nice one I found in the old town, a few streets away from the Cathedral and the sea. There was no other sign, no way to find out the why and the what. So, this is officially now the horse with no name.
If anyone knows any background info, please be so kind to let me know!

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Well, I’m sure everybody always wanted to know what the aliens from the Simpsons are doing during their time off stage.
I am now able to reveal theirwell guarded secret, as a world premiere, beating Reuters, AP, AFP, CNN and all the other acronyms!
They are making keys near the Sagrada Familia Cathedral in Barcelona!


First and foremost: thanks again for all your birthday wishes!!! Love it!

I took this picture a few months back, in Ciutadella Park. I loved the sheer elegance of the gesture! And what better way to celebrate the first summer day than with… colors!


By day, it’s a haberdasher shop. Boring!
But by night, when the shop is closed and the curtains are drawn…
Here comes Lucky Luke!