Barcelona, a photo a day

fons magica

Magic shower!

Been a while… It is so hot here than going to the Magic Fountain water, light and music show in the evening, up close, is a very very good idea! Due to the large amount of spray, it’s like a huge outdoor shower, and you can even sing while the music is playing!

Appropriate song of the day…

Closed for maintenance

The Magic Fountain, Fons Magica, is closed for maintenance. It will reopen on March the 2nd, usual time, with an even better light, water and music show!
Meanwhile, if you look into the crystal ball below, you might get a glimpse… Or a dream.

This is our world on Tuesday.

Black and White Skywatch Friday

OK, a few ‘trade secrets’. I took 3 photos, with a 0,7 bracket (with 0,7 dioptries difference between each photo). Ideally, these photos should be taken with your camera on a tripod, but it works if you’re really steady.
Passed the photos through a HDR program, Photomatix Pro, version 4.1. Tonemapped it, changed it into black and white using Picasa, worked a bit with saturation and shades. Et voila!

All this for 2 of my favorite weekly memes, Skywatch Friday and the Weekend in Black and White.

Watery Wednesday

Lots of cats living wild on Montjuic Hill. And they need to drink as well. Spotted this one on a very warm and sunny  afternoon, last sunday, just a few meters away from the Magic Fountain. A fine pussycat for a fine Watery Wednesday!

Skywatch Friday

One late evening on Avenida Maria Cristina, taking pictures for Skywatch Friday

HOG time? High time!

The HOGs are back! It is the yearly Barcelona Harley weekend,complete with bikes, beards, uniforms, and biker chicks. And, of course, the usual decorations, such as this one:
 They’re here as well:
I will come back to the bikes themselves in a short while. Enjoy your weekend everybody! 
BTW, HOG stands for Harley Owner Group. Wish I was one!


Another Wednesday, and here we go again: the (almost) weekly Magic Fountain shot. Click on the labels below to see more of the Magic Fountain.

And also click here to see other participant’s photos to this Watery Wednesday meme.