Barcelona, a photo a day



First snow in Barcelona in 3 years!!! But only on the higher parts of town, like here in Tibidabo.

The body electric

Back to the Cosmocaixa, Barcelona’s museum of science. I have no idea what this is called, but kids (and I) just love it!

Skywatch Friday

The Tibidado hill, seen from between the hotels on the sea front, near Diagonal Mar.

Skywatch Friday, right here.

Singing the body electric

Another take on this month’s theme day, electricity. Well, you can play with it, as these kids did at the Cosmocaixa, Barcelona’s science museum. Click here to view thumbnails for all participants

Skywatch Friday

The television emitter in the Collserola hills behind Barcelona, one nice summer evening. Summer is officially over, but we had 28 degrees centigrade today, low 80es in other countries. Going to the beach tomorrow.

Skywatch Friday, as usual, you should really click here!

Skywatch Friday

Sundown over the big TV emitter in the Collserola Hills, near Tibidabo.

Yep, this is our entry for the weekly Skywatch Friday meme. Much more here.

Cosmocaixa 3

And back to the science museum. It has it’s own sunken jungle, believe it or not, an indoor jungle! Above…

… and below. You can actually walk around and through it, meet the inhabitants, some funny birds, a capibara, big fishes… And it’s pretty warm in there!

Photos reworked with a program I discovered recently, something called Luminance HDR. More magic photos on my other, more experimental photo blog, right here.

Cosmocaixa 2

As I said yesterday, we went to the science museum on Sunday, and were welcomed by none other than Albert Einstein himself, sitting on a chair and looking slightly bored.
It’s a long way down to the museum itself, around and around a giant tree.


We had some fun at the Cosmocaixa yesterday afternoon, Barcelona’s science museum. An amazing place, where you can actually touch things and experiment, and with it’s own sunken indoor jungle. More about it in the next days. The photo above was reworked with a touch of magic, you can see the original below. A few more HDR photos on my other, more experimental blog, right here.

El Panoramico de Tibidabo

Tibidabo, the hill above Barcelona, is a very contrasting place.
I posted earlier some photos about the big church on top of Tibidabo, the sanctuary.
Well, just next to it, literally in front of it, is the Barcelona funfair, a very popular place for families with kids. We did not go on the Panoramico wheel, but I’m sure the view must be breathtaking.


Map picture

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A street car named Tibidabo

This is the 107 years old little street car going up the hill, to Tibidabo.

I will be away for a couple of days, taking my wife to one of the most romantic and beautiful places on earth, Venice, Italy. Therefore, this is an automatic posting. Back on wednesday. And yes, we decided against taking our laptops!


…et dixit illi haec tibi omnia dabo si cadens adoraveris me

“And saith unto him, All these things will I give thee, if thou wilt fall down and worship me” (Matthew 4:9)

This is the Temple Expiatori del Sagrat Cor, the Catholic Temple of the Sacred Heart. It is the highest point in Barcelona. Whatever the heat in town, you can be sure it will be nicer up here, 512 meters higher (and even higher if you pay the 2 euros to take the lift which brings you almost to the top of the church).

About the name Tibidabo itself: this phrase, meaning I will give to you, was said to Jesus by the Devil as they looked down from an exceeding high mountain upon all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them. The name of Barcelona’s hill thus refers to the popular tradition that it was in fact the exceedingly high mountain itself. In other words, the Devil tried to tempt Jesus by showing him Barcelona… Barceloneses think very highly of their town!

Surprisingly, there is a popular amusement park just next to the church. Sign of times, I suppose.

If you want to know more about it, please click here.