Barcelona, a photo a day

Sagrada Familia

Playing with light


Now and then, I like playing around with old photos, mainly with Adobe Lightroom (not a Photoshop fan, me) and with NIK filters. What do you think? Are you rather a SOOC -Straight Out Of the Camera- fan?

The Sagrada Familia church seems so close to the beach… Well it isn’t, it is well inland.

Sagrada Familia, the latest update

The Cathedral, as seen from my wife’s office. Well, what can I say…

It still isn’t finished.

Gaudi’s sudoku

It’s theme day again! Yeah! And the portal is still down… WHAT TO DO??? No worries, mates, there is a way. Even 2 ways.
First,  you can post your posts (…) here, at Julie’s place. The more obvious choice. You know what to do, you’ve been there before.
And also, for all FBers, there is Eric’s page.

So, about this photo. This is on the Passion facade of the Sagrada Familia, the unfinished cathedral in Barcelona designed by Antoni Gaudi. Each row and column add up to 33, the supposed age of Christ at his death. In fact there are supposed to be exactly 33 different four number groupings that add up to 33; can you find them all? I tried, but guess I’m more literary minded. In fact, can’t stand sudoku, gimme my crosswords anytime, the harder the better!
By the way, and this is the Frenchie speaking, did you know that sudoku was invented by… the french? Yeah, really, don’t get confused by the not-so-very-french sounding name! Just check it out, here!

Sagrada Familia: the doors

Josep Subirachs, author of the Passion facade, also made some truly fantastic bronze doors for the cathedral, based on the gospels of St Matthew and St John, and depicting Jesus’s last days. Here are some more details. All inscriptions are in Catalan, not Spanish.

Sagrada Familia: staircase to… heaven?

One fine spiral staircase, if I ever saw one! But wait… What could entice an adventurous mind more than a staircase to… where? Heaven? But no. Access forbidden. What a shame! But this makes it mysterious, and this is… nice. What might there be up there, in this place so different from any other churches?

Sagrada Familia: the zoo

Looks almost Celtic, doesn’t it? Well, it’s catalan, made by the Barcelones painter and sculptor Josep Subirachs. The whole cathedral is literally covered with animals, snakes, dragons, frogs, couple of cows, a giant turtle, birds, and so on. Here are a few of them.

Sagrada Familia: the windows

Another feature of the cathedral is at the entrance:

With a special thought to our friends in Israel, as today is Yom Yerushalayim, the 45th anniversary of the reunification of Jerusalem. Shalom, friends.

Sagrada Familia: the altar

The main altar. The light in this most unique of all churches is a splendor.

Sagrada Familia, post 1100

Every few years, I like going back to the Sagrada Familia cathedral, to check out the progression of the work. Not sure I’ll be there to see it finished, as the dates quoted by different sources go from 2026 to… 2150. Don’t want to live till 2150!!!
Anyway, they finished the main nave 18 months ago, and I hadn’t been back since. It is VERY impressive! Will show you more on my next posts.

This is the ceiling of the main nave by the way.

Theme day: under construction

La Sagrada Familia. Under construction since 1882.

Click here to view thumbnails for all participants

Benet XVI

I’d like to tell you today about a visitor we’ll be having here next sunday. When I say we, I mean Catalunya, and specially Barcelona. Yep, the pope is coming. I remember titles of some italian newspapers when he was elected, specially the headlines ‘Papa-razzi’ and ‘il pastore tedesco’ the german shepperd (the latest one in a communist newspaper).
Well, whatever one might think of him, he is coming here next sunday, to inaugurate the main nave of the Sagrada Familia Cathedral, Gaudi’s not yet finished masterwork. Some people having flats with a view on the cathedral are renting their balconies. At incredible rates, 700 to 1000 euros. For the day, obviously. Which is totally mad, but well, we’re living in a capitalist world. As long as someone is willing to pay for it…
The city will be so crowded! We will see if we brave the masses. Will tell you more about it… next monday.
By the way, Benet is catalan for Benedict. In french, the word benet means something totally different. Check it out! Here, for example.

Cộng hòa xã hội chủ nghĩa Việt Nam in Barcelona

We discovered last night one of the only 3 vietnamese restaurants in Barcelona, the Capitol 3 (yes, there is a Capitol 1 and a Capitol 2). Gorgeous food, but the decoration was even better! This is probably the most beautiful vietnamese restaurant we’ve ever seen outside of Việt Nam!

Map picture

Skywatch Friday

The Sagrada Familia cathedral seems to harbor a photo shoot for every opportunity, be it Eric Tenin, a normal post, Skywatch Friday… Let’s see what I can think of tomorrow.
Anyway, this is what you get when you bend backwards.

This is part of Skywatch Friday, as mentioned before. Please visit the other participants here

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Heureux anniversaire, Paris Daily Photo!

5 years ago today, Eric started the whole thing called City Daily Photo Blogs. We, for our part, are happy to have joined much later, 307 days ago. Here is to you, Eric, even the Sagrada Familia Cathedral seems to be celebrating this special day!
Bon anniversaire!

Click here to view thumbnails for all participants

Map picture

Sagrada Familia

Some of the incredible and so organic stonework on the flanks of the Sagrada Familia Cathedral. I am almost enclined calling it needlework. Please click on the picture to see the finer details, it’s worth it!
Latest updates on Sagrada Familia and Barcelona. Although the cathedral wont be finished this century, the nave is almost finished and will be inaugurated in October this year by the Pope.
More info about it here, as usual.
Weather: it is absolutely freezing, day temperatures barely above freezing. The snow has gone, almost overnight. A lot of fuss for 2/3 inches of snow. But maybe not for the 70.000 people or so still without electricity, heat and hot water.

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Gaudi’s pet

I have a couple of days off, the weather today is awesome, so we decided to go to Parque Guell, on a photo shoot. Parque Guell, or Guell’s park, was built between 1900 and 1914 by Antonio Gaudi, and named after Count Eusebi Guell, Gaudi’s patron. It is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Well, the park is a fantastic place. We took over 230 photos, so we do have plenty to show you, a bit later.

Let’s start with the dragon, aka the lizard, aka the thing. You’ll find his picture in absolutely every single guide book about Barcelona. I was a bit reticent showing it earlier, as I didn’t really want this blog to be just another tourist thing. But it didn’t happen, so here it is.

You’ll almost have to queue to get a picture of the dragon alone, as EVERYBODY wants to be on a picture with it. Anyway, 10 minutes, and a bit a cropping to get to this. Enjoy!
Much more about the park in the next few days, or here, as soon as I choose and post something.

Tres beau temps aujourd’hui, nous sommes donc alles au Parque Guell, voir la bete de Gaudi. La bete, ou plutot le dragon, est partie d’une fontaine a l’entree du parc, et il faut vraiment faire la queue pour pouvoir prendre sa photo seul: tout le monde veut SA photo avec le dragon.
Bref, 10 minutes et un peu de rafistolage photographique plus tard, voici le resultat.
Nous avons pris beaucoup de photos, je vous montrerai donc beaucoup plus du parc dans les prochains jours. Si vous ne pouvez pas attendre, cliquez simplement ici dans quelques heures!

Sagrada Familia

View over Sagrada Familia Cathedral from Montjuic Hill. Started in 1882, the last known and estimated date about the completion of Gaudi’s masterwork is set fot 2026. 16 more years to wait. The original estimate for the completion was 2150… Good and fast workers!

Going at the moment through a long series of medical check, so not much energy left at the end of the day for browsing many blogs. I will be back soon, promised. Just need to totally switch pretty much all my habits to something much healthier. Wish me luck!

Sagrada Familia market

I took this photo this morning, at the market next to the Sagrada Familia Cathedral. Haven’t stopped since then trying to find a silly slogan to promote shrimps. Came up with:
-Who needs a shrink? Have a shrimp!
-Shrimps are not just for Christmas!
and some more, far too silly to mention. What would be your silly shrimp slogan?

And a warm welcome to Raf, our 227th follower!

Holy Family

A very small part (compared to the rest, anyway) of the nave in the Cathedral of the Holy Family, better known as the Sagrada Familia.


Well, I’m sure everybody always wanted to know what the aliens from the Simpsons are doing during their time off stage.
I am now able to reveal theirwell guarded secret, as a world premiere, beating Reuters, AP, AFP, CNN and all the other acronyms!
They are making keys near the Sagrada Familia Cathedral in Barcelona!

Sagrada Familia

Yesterday, together with 24431 more people, I went to the Sagrada Familia Cathedral, aka the organic cathedral. The Cathedral had it’s annual Open Doors day. Hadn’t been inside for 5 years, although I live just around the corner, and I could see the progress, changed a lot in 5 years. In october this year, the central nave will finally be opened for masses, after 127 years (building started in 1882). This is a shot of the ceiling in the central nave.
Should be finished around 2150, or so they say, due to the traditional way of building.