Barcelona, a photo a day


Skywatch Friday

One of the many fireworks in town during the year, for Skywatch Friday.

Les Artisans du Spectacle

No Merce would be complete without several big fireworks. Here is one, by the french company Les Artisans du Spectacle.

Happy new year 2011!

A happy new year to all of you!

Archive photo, taken during an international fireworks exhibition/championship (yes, they have championships for this!) a year and a half ago on a Barcelona beach.

Of course, this is for Skywatch Friday. Click right here now!

Bon any 2010!

I worked till 6 PM today, just came home. Just had a discussion with my few colleagues working late with me: where were you 10 years ago, on the big Y2K night?
Well, Elisabet was on a plane, between Hawaii and Japan, Emma was in Bangkok, and I was in London. Where were you 10 years ago?

The year is finishing. Let us wish you all out there a very happy new year, une excellente nouvelle annee, ein glueckliches neues Jahr, un feliz año nuevo, un buon anno a tutti e tutte, boas festas!

La Mercé 2009: Fetes et Feux part 2

And a few more…