Barcelona, a photo a day

Sol i ombra

This is for many an evil place, the old bullring on Plaza Tetuan. Bullfighting was made illegal in Catalunya last year, but there is a strong movement of mainly non-catalan Spaniards wanting to reintroduce it. Whatever you might think about it, and I am personally totally against the sick compulsion of some to torturing and killing animals for fun (or watching it being done), the architecture is quite sumptuous, much more andalous than catala. The place is mostly unused now, there was an Italian circus in it last winter.
And in the bad old times, when buying your seat, you could choose between sol i ombra, sun or shade.

2 responses

  1. Love your new header!

    This is a gorgeous building even if it has a sordid history. I agree with you about bullfighting, and I would include in such atrocities the “sport” of boxing!


    June 7, 2013 at 1:28 pm

  2. Amazing facade!


    June 7, 2013 at 6:35 am