Barcelona, a photo a day

B and W

Now that’s how to make an entrance! Aka post 1648

This is the extraordinary entrance to the Cosmocaixa science museum. You actually have to spiral down, around a 30m/90 ft tall brazilian rain forest tree.
Elevators to go out…

And by the way, I almost forgot about it, but this blog celebrated it’s 5th blogaversy on may 10th. Hooray!!!!

Monochrome 4

The park in Horta. Once again, the weekend is black and white!

Weekend in black and white

‘Spotted’ this one on the seafront.

The weekend is black and white!

Skywatch Friday, high in the mountains

Skywatch Friday, right here. Right on time for the weekend in black and white!

Weather update: rain rain rain, for the next couple of days. Which is a very good thing, as the catalan water reserves are very depleted after 6 months of quasi rainless summer.

Black and white weekend reflection

This is not an easy picture. It was taken at the Forum building, which is a paradise and a nightmare for photographers, all at the same time, with it’s unlikely shapes, and with so many reflective materials.
Well, have fun trying to make sense of it! It probably helps if you make it bigger.
This is for Dragonstar’s Black and White Weekend in Ireland, and James’s (formerly from Newtown) Weekend Reflection meme.

After reflection (…), here is a color version of the same shot. Might help.

Skywatch Friday

I posted this photo on another blog a few days ago, but I love it so much that I just have to show it here!
The shoreline, almost all of it. This photo works best if seen as big as possible. Enjoy all the other photos on Skywatch Friday as well!

PS… I think this is the second ever B&W photo on this blog, as we usually go for something rather more colorful (see the last 730 or so posts). I am learning the art of B&W (and I love it!), so tell me what you think of it.