Barcelona, a photo a day

Gaudilona and the Titanic

The Plaza de Espana is one of the main hubs in Barcelona, the junction of several major thoroughfares, metro, trains and many many buses… And right in the middle stands a big fountain, by Josep Maria Jujol, one of Antonio Gaudi’s collaborators. No, you cannot escape Gaudi in Barcelona. Maybe we should rename the city Gaudilona, or Bargaudi. You get the same feeling in the lovely city of Cobh, county Cork, Ireland, the Titanic’s last stop. Every shop, pub, restaurant has the word Titanic in it’s name.
Back to Barcelona, the happiest city in Europe… See yesterday’s post. One question: what does it actually mean?

More of the fountain above

5 responses

  1. VP

    I always like some very good night shots!


    August 22, 2012 at 11:26 am

  2. It means folks like yourselves walk around with a goofy smile on your face as you take superb night photos of fountains and statues…

    We can sometimes get a good night shot but we're not happy about it.

    I think.


    August 21, 2012 at 8:53 pm

  3. Night shot are so magicals… Nice sharing indeed !


    August 21, 2012 at 6:46 pm

  4. Awesome pictures at night, I love those lights. This place is very special!


    August 21, 2012 at 12:50 pm

  5. I definitely get the 'happy' vibes from your vision of must be something to do with all the beautiful people who live there.


    August 21, 2012 at 6:35 am