Barcelona, a photo a day

plaza Universitat

Where is Nr 6?

Some of you might remember this British 60es TV series, the Prisoner, with Patrick MacGoohan. The series follows a British former secret agent who is held prisoner in a mysterious coastal village resort where his captors try to find out why he abruptly resigned from his job. And when he tries to escape, he is followed and captured by a mysterious balloon-like device called Rover. MacGoohan was called Prisoner Number 6.
Well, I just spotted Rover in a photo from last year’s Gay Pride. Scary.Watch out, fellow photographer, he’s right behind you!

Having 60 hours working weeks at the moment,  I am not able to visit your blogs, or even to answer your comments. Will be back in July 2013… Or doing school holidays.

Early morning

One very early morning, several weeks ago, on my way to work. The streets are so nice and empty at 7 AM!  The quality is not very good, as I took this with my phone.

Here is for Skywatch Friday, a bit late…